Monday, January 16, 2012

Whole 30 Day 12

Somehow today turned into spinach day :) My youngest son loves it and I just felt like letting him chow. It's also a very fast cooking, easy vegetable so perfect for me.
2 eggs fried in coconut oil w/ salt, pepper and TURKISH SEASONING! (very good, probably even better fried in bacon grease)
Spinach sauteed in coconut oil.

2 burger patties
More spinach sauteed in coconut oil

1 hard boiled egg
1 large handful of almonds
1/8 cup or so of raisins

1 Trader joe's Chimmichurri Salmon fillet
Bed of even more spinach

In the morning I took a 1.5-2 mile walk with the kids and dogs.
I put the kids down for a nap in the afternoon and did:
50 knees to chest
40 Box jump 20" box
30 bar facing burpee
20 SDLHP w/ 55lb kettlebell
10 OHS w/ 15lb bar. Working squats for form.

I watched a PBS special on dieting and I'm coming to the realization that this isn't just a 30 day challenge. This (with bacon) is how I should be eating the rest of my life. I feel good, I've got a ton of energy and I sleep like a baby.. or how a baby should sleep anyway. This way of eating combined with moving! Like taking walks or playing with the kids. There is no more 30 days of "dieting," pig out for the 11 months and then repeat yearly. No more train for four months for a 1/2 marathon and then do nothing for the rest of the year.

I've noticed that I now have this need to get rid of the extra energy I have by lifting heavy things or going to play. Like my energy battery is overpowered and needs to be drained regularly or I feel hyper. It's so weird, but true. It's kind of awesome.

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