Saturday, August 20, 2011

Super Cheap Food: Kale

If you haven't tried kale yet and are trying to save your paleo pennies, it just might be time.

I can buy a bunch of kale at my commissary (military grocery store) for a sweet 99 cents. Also availably is a gigantic, pre-cut bag for about $3.00, but I'd never go through all that kale before it went bad... unless I froze some... hmmm. Thoughts for another time. Kale is technically a form of cabbage and to me resembles collard greens. It is high in antioxidants, considered anti-inflamatory, has tons of beta-carotene, vitamin K, vitamin C, lutein and is pretty rich in calcium. But don't take my word for it! Wikipedia told me so. You can steam, microwave, or stir-fry - just don't boil if you want the most nutrient bang for your buck. Best of all, you don't need to buy this veggie organic (not alot of pesticides are needed to fend off the rabidly hungry insects). AND one of Jessica Biel's New Year's resolutions was to eat more kale. Knowing that, why would you NOT eat kale? Jessica Biel is a hottie.


1. Steam it! Add a little bit of garlic in there, some salt, maybe a splash of balsamic vinegar and you have super cheap, healthy side dish or "salad" you can add some protein to.

2. Stir-Fry! Try this recipe a la Bobby Flay. Going to test this one out sometime to see if it belongs in my recipe binder.

3. Microwave? Wash and chop leaves and microwave on high until wilted. DO NOT dry the kale before you zap it.

4. Bake it!! KALE CHIPS!!!
           Take a bunch of kale - remove leaves from the thick stem and tear into smaller pieces - wash and dry
           Preheat the oven to 350 F, drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with sea salt (NOT TOO MUCH!!), then bake
           on a baking sheet for about 10-15 minutes until crispy and not burnt.
           * Try different seasonings like a bit of paprika for a different taste  

Kale is a pretty strong smelling vegetable just as a little warning to you guys. I just steamed some and plan on eating it with breakfast and lunch tomorrow! Happy eating.

OH! And I guess it does freeze well. Thank you Wikipedia. 

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