Sunday, February 12, 2012

Some thoughts about Goal Setting

One of the habits of successful people is goal setting. Determine now what it is you want and take the steps necessary to reach your goals. I think that it's important to have clear, definitive goals to make them achievable.

Example: My goal is to be healthy.

Because this is really nebulous, I think that being "healthy" isn't always the easiest to focus on. What does healthy mean? You want to eat perfectly, 100% of the time? Go on walks and hit the gym 5 days a week? Well, what are you going to do at the gym? For all but the most disciplined, this can be an impossible standard. Instead, I do something like this.

1. First, I have a framework of standards that I try to live by day-to-day or week-to-week.
             1. Eat well for the rest of my life
                   a. Eat "cheats" only on special occasions like birthdays or holidays. No more than bi
                      -weekly. Bonus if I can go through one of those occasions without "treating."
                      Ultimately, I don't want to think of any food as a treat and make it significant as a
                      reward. I don't want that relationship with my food.
                   b. Seldom eat out.
                   c. Continue to purchase new cookbooks, try new spices and cooking methods.
                   d. Make a weekly meal plan/shopping list and stick to it.
              2. Place importance on a healthy LIFESTYLE, not just eating habits.
                   a. Get 8-9 hours of sleep each night.
                   b. Have a weekly disconnect day with no ipod, computer, TV, or phone
                   c. Do something fun each week - pretend to be animals with my kids, wrestle, build a fort,
                       play Frisbee, read a book.
                   d. Focus on a small circle of friends that I call, write to, or otherwise connect with 
                       often. Cut down your friend list to the people you really care about.
                   e. Get rid of distractions. Cancel those magazine subscriptions that are taking up your
                       time or get rid of extra junk laying around your house, taking up your time &
              3. Be the best mom I can be
                   a. Try to read at least three books a day to my children
                   b. Try to be patient in all situations, taking each opportunity as a chance to practice
                   c. Show affection often. Hug, kiss, cuddle, sing, love and PAY ATTENTION.
                   d. Make sure that I have the same standards of eating for my children that I have for
                       myself. If I truly think that gluten tears up your insides, it's not o-kay for me to shun it
                       and then feed my little babies cheerios because I need them to be quiet in a store.

2. List Long Term Goals - write them out and post them somewhere you can see them easily - then break them down. How are you going to achieve them?

             a. Start a Gym .. too long to break down on this post ;)
             b. Get down to 19% body fat
                   - Do back-to-back Whole 30's for 3 months, reevaluate this plan at the end of the three
                   - Crossfit style workouts at least 3x weekly with a day of active fun like hiking, Frisbee or
                      tennis with my husband on the weekend. Pencil in workout "dates."
                   - Minimize stress by planning ahead and limiting commitments. Sleep well.
              c. Potty train Devin
                   ... you get the idea!

3. Short Term - write these out the night before or in the morning with your cup of coffee:
                a. Do the laundry
                b. Pick up groceries.
                c. ...

It helps to write all these things out. The standards of operation are in my head, but I like to have the long and short term goals written out. It would help to sit down at the beginning of each month and/or week to plot a course for that time period. Each month write down dates like birthdays and then each week write down what you'll have to buy or do for those parties. Each week write out a meal plan and shopping list.

I have no strength goals, because I just don't care at the moment. I think that will come with time and some more thought.

I'm not an expert on anything!! This is not a complete list of my goals and I can't tell you how to run your life. But, I can tell you that trial and error are your friends if you are willing to learn.

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