Monday, February 6, 2012

My Whole 30 Results - Or, A Whole 25

So, this my sound lame but, my husband and I took a trip home around Day 24 of my Whole 30 challenge and although I swore I was going to see the challenge through to the end, I had some of my sister-in-law Becky's amazing squash pie. Among other things. I'm going to call this my Whole 25 and start round 2 today (the day after the Super Bowl).

Things I learned:
* After a week off of the Whole 30 challenge, it is easy to fall into the carb/caffeine binge cycle you worked so hard to get out of. I ate a ton of ice cream and had too much coffee, and I FELT IT! Gas, bloating, stomach aches and worst of all are the sugar headaches. I will endeavor to not do this to myself again.
* Sugar, while tempting, is resistable.
* I am strong and can do this. This is a completely do-able lifestyle once you learn your way around the kitchen and especially if there are supportive people (like my husband!! :) around. I was definitely one of those people that tried to replace gluten and sugar-filled treats with almond flour or coconut flour treats. This is really not the way to lose weight. In order to achieve the weight-loss results you want and have the best sense of well-being, you need to treat a treat as a treat! Once or twice a week. I love Sarah Fragoso's post on My Family and Treats.
* My husband ate a ton of almond butter, I did not do this. Nuts were limited and I only ate them in their whole form.

Things to do for round 2:
* Not eat so many dates. I was completely replacing artificial sugar with the natural sugar from dates.
* Add in exercise. Regularly. Crossfit workouts 3-5 times per week and walking.
* Go ALL 30 days!

My Results:
* I am very proud of my results. Weight that was not budging has dropped more than I hoped. My end goal is to have around 18-19% body fat and I see now that that is achievable.

Let's go round 2!!! I'm excited to see where I'll be this summer.

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