Thursday, April 5, 2012

Time to come out of hiding..

So, I kind of have a confession to make. I dropped off the radar because I completely fell off the Paleo/Primal bandwagon. Completely. Epic healthy lifestyle fail. My husband came home the second or third week in March and I just felt like doing nothing. Truth be told this lifestyle is alot of work.. and maybe that's my own fault for not batch cooking and freezing stuff ahead of time. My normal day involves cooking three meals a day for my husband, myself and a two and three year old. And when I don't feel like cooking or grocery shopping, fast food is right there across the street or just a phone call away.

So maybe if I come out of hiding and cleanse some things from my conscience I can get a healthy fresh start so to speak. Some things I ate:

- A whole box of thin mints.. in a day
- A half gallon of ice cream.. in less than 24 hours
- Candy, pizza, soda, cheesecake, tortellini, so on and so forth.
- A whole bag of mini reese's peanut butter cups.. in less than 48 hours

The crappy thing is I know these things are bad for you and I try to hide eating them from both my husband and children. Then I get all guilty and down on myself and the spiral continues until I break out and decide that I want to make choices that make me feel proud, vibrant and healthy.. but sometimes that takes awhile.

I think Jenna Marbles sums up my regular almost daily experience with food here:

Luckily (?), I'm aware of just HOW bad these things are for you. At least when I am drinking that can of soda or eating those cookies, I KNOW that there is high fructose corn syrup, or gluten, or a myriad of other crap ingredients and I KNOW just how damaging to health they are. And I think that is a start. So here we go again :) Maybe someday I can be a super mom like Sarah Fragoso or have an iron will like Peggy Emch at the Primal Parent, but I know today wasn't that day. Thank God each day is new. :)

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